
Welcome to the first step of your Journey to Transformation!

  • Have you been feeling dissatisfied with areas of your life?
  • Do you have the persistent feeling that there’s something else “out there” for you?
  • Is your current financial situation keeping you from realizing your goals and dreams?
  • Do you continue to make the same New Year’s resolutions year after year?

Through Transformational and Financial Coaching, we help you uncover and eliminate personal and financial blockages so that you can live the fulfilling  life you desire.

We do our work with clients by combining ideas from the fields of finance, psychology, business management, systems theory, management consulting, change management and metaphysics, with some creative and thought-provoking exercises mixed into the program. Our proprietary Tranformational Coaching process is designed to be enlightening and to inspire and encourage personal growth.

We’d love to join you on your journey to greatness! Click the link below to contact us, and request a free session by entering “FREE SESSION” in the Comments field.


When I started this “journey” with Kelley and Lana, I could not tell you anything about the role of a Life Coach and my finances were not in the best of shape.

Kelley and Lana are personable and relatable. They have a knack for bringing to light the special unique person who lives inside of you. You deserve to be the best you God created you to be, financially and emotionally!

If you are ready to invest in yourself, then this is the journey for you!

All you have to do is commit to the process, even when you may not see the immediate value in the activity. Just remember – YOU are NOT the expert!

After completing the “journey” with Kelley and Lana, I am more focused on aligning my finances with my values and living with a purpose and it is a BEAUTIFUL feeling! 

Volanda Monroe

When I started working with Innerlight Solutions, I was a self employed artist and educator facing financial uncertainty and a stalled career.  Working with them as a team gave me the tools I needed to empower myself to get my financial house in order. They asked me questions that led me to solid solutions for my particular situation. They delivered on their promise of financial literacy. We worked on goal setting, savings, tracking expenses, managing risk, retirement, balanced investing and career planning. The impact of their coaching on my financial and life decisions have yielded powerful and positive results. Their unique insights, sound guidance and professional backgrounds were invaluable to the process. New opportunities have opened up for me and I feel more confident about my future.

Shay Younglbood – Artist, Author, Educator